Radiant Power of Women


Radiant Power of Women Retreat Mallorca Spain
  • Chitchen Itza, Mexico
  • May 20th - 25th, 2025
Radiant Power of Women
  • Chitchen Itza, Mexico
  • Feb 17th - 22nd 2026

“When Women gather they heal, when women heal, they heal the world. Join our sacred community of women around the world for a workshop or immersion. Gurmukh and Harpreet will take you on a soulful and sweet journey using Kundalini Yoga, Meditation, Dance, Ceremony, Celebration and Connection.

The world is calling us forth to reclaim our place and power. Together we can be reminders to each other to reflect and share our truth and wisdom. It is easy to get lost in our thought of being small, join us to be reminded of your greatness.

It is through community and group consciousness that we can make the changes needed to bring humanity back into harmony. You are an important part of this solution, so come and feel the support of other women as you brave the journey of uncovering your gifts. As Women we can heal thtough storytelling and recognizing that we are not alone. When we feel a sense of authentic connection and trust, we can experience vulnerability and openness, which lead us to great inner awakenings. Let us be in service to each other as we create a sacred container for ourselves and other women.

Relax in a quiet atmosphere out of the daily routine with time for reflection. Rest from everyday events… stepping away from decision-making and deadlines. Stay in nature all day and all evening… sleeping in the peace of nature… allowing time… slowing down. Let conversations unfold without deadlines… feeling the possibility of a quiet mind… moving more slowly. Deeper meditation and in-depth yoga create a return-home refreshed, rejuvenated, and committed to your health within a happiness space of self-identity, self-love, and self-acceptance.

This is a time to discover new friendships and to rekindle long-time friendships. Walk in the fresh air of the mountains, the forest, and the ocean. Actually sit in the fresh air as the Sun rises, and meditate all together as the Sun sets. Lie in the grasses… watching the stars in the night sky. Share meals, teas, and coffees with the Sisterhood… and enjoy shopping together, walking in nature, and anything you like with others.

These days are yours… FREE AS A BIRD… FREE OF DUTIES… FREE OF RESPONSIBILITIES… just to be. When was the last time you allowed yourself to be free… enjoying dancing, laughing, and joke-telling? That, my dear sisters, is when we feel our Radiant Power!”


Radiant Power of Women is a course for every woman seeking more vitality, strength and insight into her own life. As women in the modern world we are being asked to wear many different hats. We are in a constant state of redefining our roles in our homes, lives and societies. The messages coming from the outside of who we should be and how we should look are ever changing. How do we keep up and rise up at the same time? We need tools, we need a pathway that can help cultivate our intuition, so that we can tune into our own inner guides.

Take home with you the 8 Elements of Excellence!